Standing Desk Pros and Cons

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Standing desks are a great and healthy way to work. Several reliable sources state how unhealthy it is to remain seated at a desk or computer all day. It doesn’t matter if you work out for three hours every day of the week or jog three miles every morning, if you remain seated for the majority of the day, you run an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, a variety of cancers, and, ultimately an early death. A standing desk is pretty much what you think it would be. A desk for working or writing while standing. No matter how active or inactive a person may be, a standing desk is ideal for any lifestyle or job that requires or otherwise promotes that one remain seated the majority of the day.  In this article we look at the Standing Desk pros and cons.

Standing Desk Pros

There are many different benefits to a standing desk.

The standing desk eliminates these problems and helps prevent similar problems from occurring in those who need to spend many hours a day seated for work or recreation.

Standing Desk Cons

It seems that every benefit also comes with it’s own set of detriments as well. There are a few negative aspect in customer reviews on the standing desk.

One thing to keep in mind as you are deciding on getting a standing desk, is that working at a standing desk is not all or nothing. You will need to switch off between sitting and standing many times a day to keep strain off of your feet and legs. That leads to purchasing a height-adjustable desk, and a standing desk chair.

Your body will naturally want to move while on a standing desk, let it.  The other option is to purchase a Treadmill Desk.


There are a great deal of benefits that can come with having a standing desk, but every good thing in life comes with a price. Despite the small list of issues people seem to have with the standing desk, it seems in the end there is more good than bad that comes from using one. It is certainly much better than all of the various detriments that come with sitting all day every day.