Taskmate EZ 6400 Review
Standing Desks are all the rage right now, and many vendors are coming out with unique and innovative designs to help you stand and work. One of the newest is the Taskmate EZ 6400 from HealthPostures. The Taskmate EZ is a desktop riser, meaning that it is designed to sit on top of your existing desk and provide you the ability to stand and work when you want to work standing up.
I really like desktop risers as they give you the ability to keep your existing desk and add the ability to stand and work without the need to completely modify your desk or come up with some DIY Standing Desk.
[product id=”5516″]The Taskmate is completely adjustable, and one of the features I like most is that I can adjust the monitor and keyboard independently of each other. This allows me to get the proper height for me. In addition, it has a tilt mechanism on the monitor mount to adjust the desk even further.
Putting the Taskmate together is very easy. It comes with an owner manual with color photos and step-by-step instructions on putting it together. Depending on how you decide to mount the base, you only need three tools for assembly (screwdriver, 7/32 allen wrench, and an adjustable wrench).
Keyboard and Monitor Assembly
The first step is to install the keyboard tray to the adjustable arm. This takes the provided 4 screws and nuts. Simply push the screws through the top of the tray and through the arm and then tighten the nuts. Once the keyboard tray is assembled, set it aside and grab the monitor arm. The monitor arm is a standard VESA mount that should fit almost all monitors. You will attach the monitor using the provided 4 screws that go through the mount and screw into the back of the monitor.
Attaching Base to Desk
There are two options for attaching the base to the desk. If your desk has a depth of greater than 25” then it is probably best to drill a hole through the top of the desk to attach the base. If your desk is less than 25” deep, you have the option to use the table clamp accessory (part #6453). Personally, I chose to use the clamp accessory as my desk is 24” deep.
Using the clamp
Attach the base to the clamp using the allen wrench and provided screws. Fit the base and clamp assembly over the desk and then using the washer and bolt, tighten the clamp until it is securely fashioned to the desk.
Drilling Desk
Put the keyboard tray and arm onto the base and set the base on your desk. Position the base so that the front of the keyboard tray lines up with the front of the desk, mark the base with a pencil the center of which will be where you want to drill. Drill a ½” hole through the top of the desk. Set the base on top of the hole and then from underneath use the provided washer and bolt to tighten the base to the desk.

My Impressions
I really like the fact that the Taskmate is fully adjustable. I see so many standing desks that do not provide a way to raise the monitors to the proper height, it is great to see a product that has the forethought to get it right. The addition of the tilt ability on the monitor lets me get the exact position I want and keeps me standing longer.
Made in the USA. The Taskmate is very well built. All of the parts are extremely solid and you can feel the weight of them as you bring each one out of the box. The fact that it has no moving parts, means nothing to break down and no maintenance. I appreciate that, as the last thing I want to do is to work on my desk, while I should be working at my desk.
I have two relatively small gripes with the Taskmate. The first is the keyboard tray. I wish it was a bit wider. You can see in the video that if I position my keyboard directly in front of the monitor, I don’t have space for my mouse. I was very concerned about this in the beginning but as I worked away at the desk, I soon forgot the issue and I worked as normal.
The second is that the tray when in the down position does not lay flat on the desk but is about an inch and a half above the desk. Again, this was an issue that I got over very quickly as I used the desk. Because of the ergonomics, I found I was able to stand at the desk longer and longer as the week went on.
Overall, if you are looking to get a desktop riser for your standing desk needs, the Taskmate EZ 6400 is a great purchase. It is well made and will keep you standing for a long time. Please let me know if you have any questions about the desk and I will do my best to answer them.
I think this is what I have– it’s Taskmate and it looks like this. I really like it and it’s easy to move up and down, which was my biggest concern. My company had the manufacturer install it so our Facilities people could see how to do it– we think a lot of employees may request it.